Toronto Trail Runners
Toronto Trail Runners has celebrated the falling of the leaves each year with a special run. Starting in 2012 we have been doing a fun charity run open to all. The run consists of four 8-12km laps through the Don Valley, Come for one or come for all.
For this year 2023, we will be holding the Leave R’ Down event in Support of the Daily Bread Food Bank. Please either bring a donation of non-perishable food item (see list here) or donate on our LeaveRDown event page.
On November 18th starting from 8:00 am. We will have 4 running loops with the following starting times 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm. There will be 2 hiking loops starting at 9:00 am and 11:30 am.
There will be draw prizes awarded for each loop as well as a grand prizes awarded at the end of the day. Please ensure you have a smart phone as we will be using QR codes for ballot entries.
Leaves R Down Count Down
Download each route by clicking on the Strava or Garmin links below:
LRD Loop 1 ET Seton flats to Crothers flats Strava LRD1 Garmin LRD1 8:30 am
LRD Loop 2 ET Seton flats to Crothers Hills Strava LRD2 Garmin LRD2 10:30 am
LRD Loop 3 Crothers Hills to ET Seton flats Strava LRD3 Garmin LRD3 12:00 pm
LRD Loop 4 Crothers Flats to ET Seton flats Strava LRD4 Garmin LRD4 1:30 pm