Toronto Trail Runners FAQ

How do I know if this group is right for me?

We welcome all runners to TTR’s Wednesday night runs! Our lead crew is knowledgeable and familiar with the trails, and no one is left behind. That being said, we run in all weather conditions on the Don Valley trails. The trails are technical, which means there are a lot of rocks, hills, roots, and other rugged terrain. So, as a guideline, new runners should feel comfortable running about 10km on the road or trail prior to joining a TTR run. Although it’s not required, this baseline is a guideline to ensure new runners are prepared to best enjoy the run and avoid injury.


What is the running pace of this group? 

Although it is common for road running groups to describe their run speed via pace (5:00/km, 6:30/km, recovery pace, etc.), it is harder to determine the pace on the trails because they are so variable. Therefore, we don’t have a set or standard pace for our runs; we run by feel and perceived effort. That being said, you will find a range of running speeds anywhere from 4:45-9:00min/km across the run group. The speed and technicality can be a big challenge even for experienced road runners, so if you’d like to try out the trails at a slower pace or distance we encourage you to first consider joining a Tuesday night run (see FAQs for more info).


Do you still run if it is snowing or raining?

Yes! We run every Wednesday evening, rain, snow, sun or shine. It is the responsibility of each runner to carry their own hydration and snacks and to wear appropriate gear for the weather. Trail running shoes are highly recommended through the summer and essential in the fall, winter and spring when the trail conditions are slippery, icy or otherwise unpredictable. From early fall to late spring, headlamps are a must. 


Are there safety considerations I need to keep in mind?

One of the joys of trail running is that the trails and landscapes are varied, but they are also unpredictable. Safety is key, and runners joining us will do so at their own risk. Here are some key considerations:

  Wear gear that is appropriate for the trails and the weather. The leads usually bring a few extra headlamps to share with new runners.

  Bring your cell phone (or pair up with a runner who has one) just in case you get separated from the group, lost, or injured.

  Hydration (especially in the summer) and fuel on the long run are essential. Make sure you bring what you need based on your body’s needs.

  It is important to listen to your body and run at a pace that is manageable for you. If you are new to trail runs, you may discover aches and muscles that you haven’t felt in a while!

If you have any questions or concerns about safety, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a TTR lead.


I want to come to a Wednesday night run but I can’t seem to get to the meeting point by public transit. Am I out of luck?

Sharing is caring! TTR has a WhatsApp text group chat. Carpooling options are not guaranteed; however, other runners do tend to offer pick-up options from TTC stations according to their driving route. Contact TTR to request a link for the chat.

 Hey I like to trail run with my dog, can I bring my dog on a TTR Run?

Well… that’s a loaded question.  We had to dedicate the a whole page to the answer! Please read our TTR Dog Policy thoroughly.


Wait… is trail running an extreme sport?

Yeah, it kinda is… and that’s what we love about it. But don’t take our word for it – come join us so you can decide for yourself. You might just fall in love with trail running the way we did.