TTR is hosting a weekend run on Sunday, August 18 with guest lead and founder of Trail Yogi, Kevin Ong.
About the run
The run will be held at Rouge Park in Scarborough on Sunday, Sept 1. The run will be 2 hours and will start promptly at 8am at roughly a 7:00min/km pace. We will meet in the Zoo Rd. parking lot (parking is free and there are portopotties on site). Click here for directions to parking lot.
The route is an “out and back” and we will run it at a moderate pace. The Rouge is less technical than the trails in the Don Valley (less steep, hilly sections and wider paths).
Please bring your own hydration and run snacks.
If you can offer rides, or if you require a ride, please join the TTR ‘Weekend Runs’ WhatsApp group chat as carpooling is usually coordinated there.
Bookings are closed for this event.